Find us a Guide and receive 2000 NOK*

*Refer to our terms and conditions below

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We are looking for talented, passionate and dedicated Tour Guides to work with us in Bergen.

You may have friends, friends of friends or family members who would make great Guides. We offer all the necessary training and tools they would need to work with us.

For each candidate that you refer, who becomes a certified Guide and delivers 300 guiding hours with us in 2023, you will receive 2000 NOK (before tax).

Candidates who speak English with another language are most likely to be invited to join our Guide Team.

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Terms and conditions

For Guide Referrers

Referral process

Please be aware that we only recruit Guides who are already eligible to live and work in Norway.

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How to register

Let us know that you're interested in finding Guides

Start immediately after registration

Thanks for your interest!

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